Grown and Sexy! Who? My Son?

My son, Parker Destino Wilson, turns 21 years old today. Every parent, who has experienced this milestone, still shakes their head in disbelief. We were forewarned when we watched our children take their first steps, to cherish every moment as the time will fly by so quickly. I didn’t have the time to believe it. 

I was too busy going to “wellness” doctor appointments, buying school uniforms for the first day of school, cringing as I watched him play little league football and having nearly a heart attack while watching him play high school football. Laboring over SAT scores and college entrance exams, applying for college grants, to that tearful goodbye (seriously my part only) leaving him as a freshman five hours away from home in another state! 

I somehow had this denial that small hand that I held for so long in mine would be there always. But it is bittersweet to know he is strong enough to let go and step boldly into this rite of passage of adulthood.

The village support we have received over the years has been nothing short of phenomenal.  So please take a bow, for it was your unbelievable support that helped get us here.

And for you son. Always remember to keep God first and continue to embrace the true meaning of walking by faith and not by sight.  A few memorable words from your family to live by:

Grandma:                  Never let anyone steal your joy.

Uncle Joey:               Don’t ever let anyone out class you.

Aunt Edna:                Remember to pray.

Uncle Kenny:            I got you.

Dad:                          I’m proud of you and the man you are becoming.

Gabriel:                    Try and fail is not a disgrace.

And me:                   Nothing is impossible to the thinker.

Welcome to adulthood son!  The responsibilities are enormous and you may not always like what you have to accept. But I am fully confident you are well prepared and will succeed.  Celebrate, Embrace and Enjoy. 

Finally, grown and sexy, my son? Damn straight he is!  Go get em!

Mom loves you!

Warmest always and much love family,

Barbara Nyaliemaa Mosima

PS, I know some of you, along with joining in resounding voices wishing him Happy Birthday, often ask me for his address or send a check to bless this broke college student as he calls himself, and if you so desire here is Park’s Cash App below:


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