My Baby’s Baby is Having a Baby

Our new bundle of joy is happening sometime in July, and it's a boy!

I have proof that I could raise one of those, so I ain't scared. The first big challenge, I must select my new name. Oh, the choices, the choices. It could be:


Grand B



Grand-Nae or


Can you imagine the countless t-shirts I will hunt for exclaiming, "Don't mess with my grandson," or "Step aside, the young prince has arrived?"

The facts are, whatever syllables our young prince will spurt out allow me to join the ranks of grandmothers and will melt my heart a thousand times over to know those words are for me.

This new title also allows me to break out my cookie sheets and chocolate chip cookie recipe, but I promise to wait until the front teeth have come in first.

But for now, I give salutations to all of the grandparents before me, who are kissing cheeks, changing diapers, rocking folks to sleep, playing endless games of pick-a-boo, reading books, feeding, burping, tickling, wrestling, and proudly placing the baby back in their mother's arm when it's time for them to go back home.

 Indulge me, as 'Grandmama and Me' pictures will be forthcoming as soon as he smiles at me.

 Warmest always,

 I'll see you around the pages.

Barbara Nyaliemaa Mosima

 Note: Ms. Mosima's debut novel, Why Have Dog and Bark, is available now on Amazon.

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