If You Want to Change the World, Love a Woman

Last Friday, March 8 2019 in honor of International Women’s Day, my friend and colleague, Judy Leak Bowers was a guest on WPFW 89.3 Radio, hosted by Mimi Machado-Luces.  Judy wrote an all inspiring poem, of which my blog is titled.  Below is a link to the broadcast. It was an uplifting interview and Judy’s reading of her poem ignited my soul.


After I finished listening to the segment, it made me take pause and reflect on the phraseology I have heard many times over, “Behind every successful man is a great woman.”

Those who are smart enough to recognize this have healthy and loving relationships. But there also far too many men who do not love the woman – unconditionally, and change is a hard way to come by. I have been the person in that dysfunctional relationship and there was no changing for the better, only resentment, jealousy and manipulation. I am thankful I am past this now and in a loving and supportive relationship.

If the saying is also true,

“That what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger”,

then I am a Gloria Gaynor, I Will Survive proud graduate of this statement!  Whether we as women are fully and unconditionally loved, the fight is still in us to change the world.  Easier if we are loved, but not impossible if we are not. The super powers that are innate in all of us, never cease to amaze me. It makes me proud to be a woman, celebrating International Women’s Day as well as this entire month of March, Women’s History Month.

Women are making changes so men, keep loving and cherishing women, we will gladly reciprocate it back to you and you will reap the benefits ten-fold.  Listen, you ever notice how women forget about the pain of childbirth when they gaze at their newborn and realize they are a mother? From another saying and I seem to be on a roll here.

Remember this, if man could give birth to a child, there would probably be only one child in that family. Women help propel the world forward and we don’t care how many children we have to get the job done!

Continue to love a woman and continue to help change the world.


Warmest always,

Barbara Nyaliemaa Mosima