Ahhh, Aunt Barb, You Got This

Greetings family,

So listen, I am the first to tell you I am NOT tech savvy! I am the one gripping the chair, kicking and screaming refusing to be dragged into the 21st century with all of the social media madness. Facebook suited me just fine. Then came Twitter and Instagram. No one told me you could only post stuff from your phone and not your laptop!!  You see why I got all up in my feelings when I could not get it right.

Although my son Parker is away at college, the Calvary, my adult niece Brittany, galloped into my living room, clasped the laptop to silence and cradled my as-up-to-date-as-I-am-going-to-get Samsung 8 cell phone in the palm of her hands.  She handled my phone like she was an experienced mama who had changed far too many diapers on four plus children - effortlessly.  She even had the nerve to giggle, downright chuckle, as she sighed “Ahhh, Aunt Barb, you got this”.

Here is why I really needed her though. A contest on Instagram, sponsored by Rashad Howard, a vigorous entrepreneur and investor.  Hold on, let me show him some love, here’s his Instagram link.


My Instagram handle is sugarfootsragdolls, feel free to check out my mad skills.

To enter the contest, you had to enter a pitch. The prize is for $1,000 to use however you see fit to boost your business. I later understood this was a virtual pitch. Can I tell you, I was having a serious bad hair day, but chile, time waits for no woman!  But since I had Millenniums Yes I Can Tech Savvy Dot Com at my disposal, I went for it. While Brittany was giving me a crash course on the finer points of Instagram posting, I whipped out my black cap, beat my face and applied my cherry red lipstick. Boom! Let’s do this.

I was first out the gate on Rashad’s Instagram page. Me, the one who embraced her tech fears and gave my 60-second virtual pitch!  Rashad and his team have not made a decision yet.  If I am the lucky recipient, you also will know. They went live to thank everyone for participating.  I was able to catch the broadcast and because I was feeling peacock proud being first out the gate, I had the nerve to figure it out and join the live broadcast. Stop-p-p-p!! They remembered me! And being the first one to submit my pitch, a team member gifted me with 50 dollars on Cash App!  Lordy, don’t EVEN get me started on that one…

I’ll see you around the pages…


Warmest always,

Barbara Nyaliemaa Mosima

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